We made it! 2020 is almost over. While some of us are breathing a sigh of relief, at Reliance, we are looking back in awe over what God has done in the past twelve months. We saw our client service numbers DOUBLE this past year.
We witnessed that while there was a “global pandemic” and people were desperate for answers, women and men right here in our own community were desperate for HOPE, and that’s just what they found here at Reliance.

Searching for Hope
A few months ago, Jason and Sarah called us to inquire about the services that we offer. Sarah thought she was pregnant and they wanted to find out more about their options, including abortion. At their initial appointment, Sarah cried when we shared her positive results. Jason immediately wanted to know about their options.
We discussed all of their options and told them that their baby’s heart would begin beating that very next day. They learned that the life inside of her was already growing strong. During the ultrasound, Jason cried and said, “It really is a baby!” Sarah messaged me a few weeks later to tell me that they had chosen life for their baby.
“I count my lucky stars that we came to you first. We would not be here without you.”
You see, they had searched “abortion Lewiston,” and Reliance came up first in the search. After viewing our website, they felt they could trust us to give them accurate information on all their options.

After the pregnancy test, options counseling, and ultrasound, they saw the value of the life inside of her belly and chose LIFE!
Because of your generous support throughout this past year, we were able to be here for that couple. Jason and Sarah’s baby will learn to crawl, walk, giggle, and talk because you chose to bless us with your time, talents, and treasures.
Will you partner with us again to make a generous end of year gift this season? We continue to rejoice over the 100% increase in clients served, and we hope to reach more in 2021. This significant growth means our financial needs have increased as well.
With your help, we can ensure more couples like Jason and Sarah will continue to find us and encounter the life-saving, life-changing HOPE that we offer here at Reliance.